About me

On July 2008, I’ve just finished my PhD degree from Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yeungnam University at Gyeongsan, South Korea. I got my B.S from Department of Metallurgy University of Indonesia in Aug. 2002 and M.S in Engineering degree from Department of Materials Science and Engineering Yeungnam University (YU), South Korea in Feb. 2005.

My research interest spans from thin film technology to electrochemistry which I believe can offer many advantages in order to develop a thin film solar cell. I have big curiosities on the phenomena underlying the solar cell physics as a part of soli state physics, quantum mechanics as well as statistical mechanics.

I like reading, mostly physics and other popular sciences. I love specific topics of the relation between religion, philosophy, science and metaphysics. Blogging is my newest hobby, usually done when I have a spare time.

My activities are mostly done at laboratory. I am researching the alternative methods and materials with the purpose of preparing a smart solar absorber material which exhibit good physical and chemical characteristics to be applied as thin film solar cells.
I performed several projects related to display technology with LG-Philips Korea and I was a research leader on the development of alternative and low cost thin film solar cell based on quaternary semiconductor compounds under supervision of Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) and supported by Korea Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE). Other collaboration for investigating novel materials for solar cell are also in collaboration with several Korean leading universities; KAIST and Korea University. This research project ended in December 2007.  
I had been working as a Post-doctoral fellow who worked with a consortium of Korean solar cell leading research laboratories named Center for Inorganic Photovoltaic Materials (CIPM) which was jointly supported by Korean Government and Korean leading semiconductor industries to conduct an advanced research in inorganic materials for photovoltaic/solar cell application.
As a part of my research and professional reason, I have to move to School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nanyang Technological University Singapore for conducting further investigation on the application of solar absorber materials for dye sensitized solar cells, and will be ended in around September 2010. This research is supported by Singapore government. I believe that all would be great experiences to work with leading institutes in the solar cell research. 
It was another great opportunity that I won a reseach fellowship for post-doctoral supported by the well-known Alexander von Humboldt Foundation since November 2010 for my research proposal on the in situ X Ray Diffraction investigation during solid state crystallization of novel materials for solar cell application. For this fellowship, I had  -one more time- to move to Friederich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen, Germany in the Institute for Crystallography and Structure Physics, Department of Physics. After spending many years under Asians university´s academic and educational system and (research) cultures, this was my first time to feel and to work under Western academic and research culture which brought me a new perspective as well as knowledge.

Currently, I am working in AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in a beautiful city of Vienna, Austria. A very different working atomosphere compared with universities/academics culture actually. AIT is a non-academic research institute and works closely to promote new technologies as well as to transfer them into a practial industrial application. And I am dedicating my time in AIT in an emerging technollogy research group for investigating the technological application of earth-abundant semiconductor materials for photovoltaics .

My family and I are spending great and valuable time here in Vienna.

With this Blog, I try to collect and to publish as much as possible my thought concerned primarily about the solar energy and green energy concepts, discourses, ideas and scenarios as a part of a sustainable-renewable energy issue based on my knowledge, experiment as well as experience dealing with solar cell with a popular science-writing style.

Hope it will be useful for the readers, in particular for Indonesians whom I dedicated this blog to.

I believe that in the near future, the world’s energy security will depend strongly on the sustainable energy supply in order to maintain its economics activity and civilization.

And solar energy extracted by solar cell will be one of the right choice…


Rachmat Adhi Wibowo

2013 – Present
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Energy Department
Giefinggasse 2
Vienna 1120

Institute of Crystallography and Structure Physics
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Staudtstraße 3
91058 Erlangen

Sensors and Actuator Laboratory
Division of Microelectronics
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798.

Nano & Thin Film Materials Laboratory
Materials Building Room 318
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Yeungnam University
214-1 Daedong, Gyeongsan
Gyeongbuk 712-749, Republic of Korea